Affordable Housing
St. Nicks Alliance Affordable Housing supports the rights of low- and moderate-income people to live in safe, affordable, quality housing.

Since our founding, St. Nicks Alliance has developed 3,000 units of affordable housing and manages more than 1,850 units for low- and moderate- income families and special needs populations.
Housing counseling and advocacy to thousands of our neighbors help prevent their illegal displacement and keep them in their homes.
Supportive Housing
St. Nicks Alliance Supportive Housing provides apartments and social services to more than 500 families and individuals.
Community Preservation
Each year, St. Nicks Alliance provides hundreds of North Brooklyn families facing illegal eviction with concrete support, advocacy and tenant rights education, enabling families to remain in a neighborhood they call home. We empower tenants by informing them about their rights, providing counseling, workshops, connecting to legal supports and assisting with rent arrears.
Affordable Senior Housing
Whether in St. Nicks Alliance residences at: Jennings Hall, Monsignor Vetro Apartments, Metropolitan Houses, CABS Senior Housing, or Ellery Court, [650] seniors live in safe, affordable housing and are able to call North Brooklyn home.
Real Estate Development
Since our inception, St. Nicks Alliance has focused on the creation and preservation of housing, first starting with Jennings Hall in 1980.
St. Nicks Alliance is currently in the midst of the most robust affordable housing pipeline in its history, building 1,400 units across 11 new development projects. Additionally, there are currently more than 685 apartments being renovated to preserve them as low-income housing.
And with more Brooklynites on the brink of homelessness than at any time since the Great Depression, each and every one of the 1,400 families in St. Nicks Alliance affordable housing is safely housed.
Visit our dedicated Affordable Housing Development page to learn more about our work.
Property Management
Strong property and asset management is a hallmark of the commitment to community stewardship. Trained staff ensures that 100 properties are physically well-maintained and financially sound. The ultimate goal is to ensure long-term affordable housing for our residents.