Workforce Development

St. Nicks Alliance Workforce Development provides in-demand skills training and credentials needed to secure high-wage career-track jobs. In addition, help with finding that first job, obtaining a high school diploma, or mastering English.

Annually over 1,000 adults and young adults are placed in living-wage jobs or have received advanced education.

Skills Training

Skills Training provides training and certifications for the following fields:

  • Construction
  • HVAC
  • Environmental Remediation
  • Building Maintenance
  • Data Analytics
  • Financial Services
  • Hemodialysis

“Hannah and Liza are great to work with, and I wish all of our community partners were half as good as St. Nicks Alliance and your team.”

Luke Regier

Vice President, Construction, Broadway Builders

First Job

First Job instills essential people skills necessary to land a job and offers job placement assistance.

Adult Education

Basic literacy and a high school diploma are the foundation for well-paying careers. We partner with the NYC Department of Youth and Community Development and NYS Education Department to offer Adult Basic Education, High School Equivalency, and English as a Second Language to hundreds of adults every year.

Career GPS: Teen and Young Adult Services

Career GPS provides workplace success for young adults ages 16–24 who are out of school and out of work. We offer; skill training and job search support needed to successfully enter the workforce, adult education classes for those looking to obtain their High School Equivalency, health & wellness support, workplace success training, and paid internship opportunities or job placement assistance.

We participate in:

    • NYC Department of Youth and Community Development’s (DYCD) Train and Earn, which offers job training in: construction and healthcare.
      NEW Training: Hemodialysis (begins April 2025)
      St. Nicks Alliance and The Department of Youth and Community Development are equal opportunity employers/service providers. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities TTY: (800) 662-1220
    • YouthBuild, which offers training in: construction and healthcare
    • Building Careers in Building Maintenance (BCIBM), which offers necessary certifications, workplace success and job readiness, and placement assistance via employer partners.

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